Technical SEO

Technical SEO services to fix your backend operations.

Fix your website's backend error, optimize its architecture, set strong foundations to rank.

Your Technical SEO Agency

At Altitude B2B, we believe in strong foundations, whether it being relationships with clients or technical, website work. Our technical SEO experts will take care of your website's backend operations by addressing any errors and optimizing your website's overall rank. Check some of our technical SEO services below.

Website Architecture Optimization

Our work with your architecture is detailed and methodical. Our experts work under best practices guidelines, ensuring that your website becomes efficient and as lean as possible. Working with your architecture we will:

1. Fix your Website Structure

Clear hierarchy is vital for SEO. We will create main categories that are distinct and subcategories that are logically related to them.
e.g. Home -> Products -> Electronics -> Mobile Phones

2. Ensure Shallow Website Depth

This is crucial for your prospects. Shallow Website Depth means that everything is 3-4 clicks away from the homepage. The less clicks a prospect makes to reach their destination (conversion), the less on average your bounce rate will be.

3. Optimized URLs

We will make sure your URLs are lean, readable, and include keywords that make your rank. In the same scope, we will ensure to link related content within your website and use descriptive anchor texts for internal links.
Google uses over 200 ranking factors
(by AlOSEO,2024)

XML Sitemaps

An XML Sitemap is a map pinpointing your website's most important pages. It is important for a robust SEO strategy as it heavily influences the search engine's indexing and your website's crawlability. It is a complicated process, but that's why you got us! Our process includes:

1. Include only High-Value Pages

The search engine crawlers directly draw information from your sitemap to judge your ranking ability. For this reason, only high-value pages should be present in your sitemap. These high value pages include keywords of high ranking importance for your business.

2. Regular Updates & Automations

Your sitemap structure should always reflect what your website looks like live. Having outdated sitemaps will impose ranking penalties to your business. Yes, it is cumbersome to do it manually every single time. That's why our technical SEO experts figured out how to automate this process for you.

3. Content Prioritization

We use appropriate tags to indicate the importance of different pages, thus improving the impact some pages have in your SEO.
Moving up from position #2 to position #1 generates 74.5% more clicks.
(by Moz,2024)

Enhanced Website Indexability & Crawlability

Indexability and Crawlability are two of the most important aspects for good SEO. The first ensures your website is easy to trace and be read, and the second that every part of your website can be accessed by the search engine.
Our technical SEO experts have mastered this art. Here's a part of their work:

1. Optimize Robots.txt File

This is a simple text file placed in your root directory, instructing the search engine which pages or sections should not be crawled or indexed. This way it prevents overloading of the server and improves SEO. In this file, we will 'allow' and 'disallow specific pages for your optimized SEO strategy.

2. Resolve Crawl Errors

Using tools like Google Search Console, we identify crawlability errors (404 errors, 500 server errors, redirect errors etc.) that we focus on to fix next.
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